What I offer
Individual Sessions
A conscious therapeutic alliance is formed to create a healing relationship, a safe place to explore the past, which recognizes and nurtures your inherent strengths as it encourages the practice and adaptation of new skills so you can lead an effective, authentic life -- free of past influences that are no longer relevant. Clients are encouraged to try out new options and to become comfortable with and enjoy new thoughts, emotional states, behaviors, and actions. To grow.
Life Coaching
If you already enjoy a measure of success in your life and now wish to maximize your talents and abilities, if you have a dream you wish to realize, then a coaching relationship will benefit you. Together, we form a powerful partnership to can clarify your desires and goals, and then develop a plan and implement the actions necessary to achieve them. Take the steps to get where you want to go.
All aspects of the process are organic and dynamic, and this collaboration often leads you in new and unexpected directions as you learn more about your wishes, dreams, values, and intrinsic motivation.
Group Work
Classes & Courses
I periodically offer classes, both online and in person, on various topics: Master Classes (Life Tending), Getting Clear, Journaling, and Health Based Weight Loss, as well as ongoing Medicine Song Circles. These groups are small, 8 to 12 people so that everyone can contribute and do their work.
Ceremonial Song Circles
Ceremony is a practice of focused attention. Intentionally gathering to deepen our connection to our inner life (self), to each other (our community), and to Spirit (medicine). Ceremony is an ancient pathway that helps us live in a connected and empowered manner. It provides a forum for sharing our individual stories, support for the next steps we wish to take in our lives, a place to know ourselves deeply, and to be known and witnessed by loving others who are also seeking to grow and change.
Perhaps best of all, we get to sing!